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December 2024
News & Updates
A message from departing LHP Board Chair Dr. Saunders
Dr. Gregory Saunders joined the Legacy Health Partners (LHP) Board of Managers in 2014 and has served as chair since 2020. He previously led the LHP Quality and Membership Committee and has played a pivotal role in shaping LHP’s evolution from a fledgling startup to a thriving organization. Dr. Saunders is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center and a family physician at Legacy Medical Group–Camas.
As Dr. Saunders’ decade of service on the LHP Board of Managers came to an end this month, we asked him to reflect on his time with LHP.
As Dr. Saunders’ decade of service on the LHP Board of Managers came to an end this month, we asked him to reflect on his time with LHP.

What has it meant for you to serve as chair of the Legacy Health Partners Board of Managers?
It’s been great to be part of an organization that helps meet the needs of providers and patients in our community and as an advocate for physicians [in the area] who strive for better access. Serving as LHP Board Chair has allowed me to feel like I support a larger group. I like to leave a place better than I found it, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to do this with LHP.Why did you join this board a decade ago?
When I was first approached by my colleagues to join the LHP Board, my immediate reaction was abject terror. I had never served on a board before, but I thought about it and realized it was a real opportunity to make a difference in the community. I knew I had something to offer and was excited to learn more. Thankfully, the opportunity outweighed the terror.What do you remember about your first LHP Board meeting over a decade ago?
Although we were newly formed, my first LHP board meeting was well-organized and professional – things weren’t chaotic. Everyone was engaged and prepared to listen and learn. We all brought our best selves to the table and by the end, we had a clear direction of where we were going.Since we wanted board appointments to be staggered, everyone drew a piece of paper out of a cup that indicated whether your appointment would be 1, 2 or 3 years. I was so happy to pull out one that said 3 years. Little did I know I would remain on the LHP Board [in different roles] for much longer than that!
What one thing makes you most proud about LHP?
The Provider Outreach & Engagement team and the Quality & Performance Improvement team are crucial to LHP’s success. They connect with our independent clinics and providers to improve outcomes and deliver the best patient care. They are the ones making a difference across our network, and I am incredibly proud of their efforts.How does LHP continue to grow and develop in the future?
It’s hard to say for sure with the potential OHSU combination, but I believe that this integration will allow us to serve more patients and increase resources through more advanced medical specialties and research. Unlike other clinically integrated networks, LHP brings together independent physicians and smaller clinics who are focused on improving quality care and outcomes and are looking for support to negotiate with payors. I have no doubts this need will continue well into the future.If you had unlimited resources, what is the one thing you as a board member would do for the population we serve?
Besides ponies for everyone?! Well, if I had unlimited resources to make a change, I would reduce the administrative burden that physicians and providers face, allowing us to serve patients better and do the meaningful work that we want to do. The constant looming aspect of our profession always seems to involve work that takes away from time with patients, and I’d like to change that if I could.What advice do you have for the next chair of the LHP Board of Managers?
The best organizations are led by those who regularly revisit their purpose, so my advice for the next chair is to remember the purpose of LHP – the “why” behind our clinically integrated network. We’re here to provide the best patient care and to support our physicians and providers. It’s easy to get lost in the “tyranny of the now” and be overly focused on the present, but the need to focus on the good work we do every day will never change.Thank you for your service and support of LHP
In addition to recognizing Dr. Saunders for his years of service and leadership, we would like to thank all our departing board and committee members for their engagement and contributions to LHP. New board and committee members will be joining LHP’s governance early next year and we look forward to introducing them to you in the new year. We would like to wish the following departing board and committee members well and we are grateful for the years of service you generously gave to our network:
- Heather Bardfield, RN, Broadway Medical Clinic - Clinical Collaboration & Performance Improvement committee
- Bryce Bederka, MD, LMG Orthopedics and Sports Medicine - Quality & Membership committee
- Julia Fehniger, MD, LMG Gynecology & Oncology - Clinical Collaboration & Performance Improvement committee
- Teresa Hildebrand, MD, LMG Family Wellness - Finance & Contracting committee
- Janis Howatt, MD, Broadway Medical Clinic - Clinical Collaboration & Performance Improvement committee
- Charlie Hu, MD, LIMS - Mount Hood - Quality & Membership committee
- Tad Lowder, DO, LMG Camas - Clinical Collaboration & Performance Improvement committee
- Joanne Parker, MD, LMG Urgent Care - Quality & Membership committee
- Greg Saunders, MD, LMG Camas - Board of Managers
- Erik Van Kleek, MD, The Oregon Clinic - Quality & Membership committee
- Damon Warhus, MD, Women's Healthcare Associates - Finance & Contracting committee
- Sian Williams, Oregon Anesthesiology Group - Finance & Contracting committee
Quality Corner: Announcing LHP’s Quality Award Winners
LHP is pleased to congratulate LMG Woodburn Health Center as the winner of the 2024 LHP Quality Awards and $2,000 prize for putting on HbA1c clinics for their patients with diabetes.
We are also proud to recognize:
We are also proud to recognize:
- Oregon Pediatrics (2nd place and $1,500) for improving preventive visit rates.
- Goodskin Dermatology (3rd place and $1,000) for improving patient scheduling and access to appointments.
- Merritt Health and Wellness for expanding access to care for homeless patients.
- AIM Health for focusing on patient continuity with their primary care provider.
Network Spotlight: Resources to help care for patients with diabetes
There is no need to sugarcoat the diabetes epidemic. According to Oregon Health Authority and Washington State Department of Health data, 9% of adults in Oregon and Washington have the disease, while 12.4% of adults in Oregon and 11% of adults in Washington are prediabetic. In Oregon, diabetes notably affects patients older than 55 (18%), patients with obesity (15.4%) and patients of color (14.9% of Black patients; 13.7% of Latinx patients; 10.3% of Asian patients; and 8% of white patients). Managing this chronic condition is challenging for care teams, patients, and families. Read the full story for links to Legacy Health Partner’s (LHP) new obesity guideline and to learn how LHP clinics are developing quality initiatives and implementing tools that are improving patient health and bettering clinical performance.
Announcements, deadlines, and reminders
- If you have received a reminder email from LHP recently, then our records show you still need to complete one Learning Module from LHP’s video library by December 31. Modules include clinically relevant information from subject matter experts on a wide range of topics. The videos are between 15-30 minutes and contribute toward your CI score which determines the amount of money you earn from LHP’s incentive program for 2024.
- Note that learning modules are organized in these four menus on the webpage so click around to find one topic that interests you. Be sure to enter your name and email in the form at the end to mark this complete!

- We are pleased to announce the 2025 clinical integration program to the network. There are minimal changes to our program next year and we continue to measure and improve what matters to patients, providers, and insurance payors. You can view a summary of all 2025 performance measures, membership requirements, and access standards on the LHP Team Site.
- Remember to bookmark the LHP Resource Library in your internet browser for quick access to measure toolkits, workflows, and patient outreach and education to help you choose the right care at the right time in the right place.