Legacy Research Institute

Transforming medical care through science, technology, and innovation.


Focusing on the effectiveness of vision-preserving interventions on individuals, communities, and health systems

Research Focus:

Under the co-direction of Steve Mansberger, MD, MPH and Stuart Gardiner, PhD, we study health behavior as it relates to eye disease; advanced biostatistics to advance the evaluation and interpretation of ophthalmology data; clinical trials to predict individual and group responses to interventions; glaucoma medication adherence; and studies to examine the effectiveness of interventions on individuals, communities, and health systems.

We also collaborate with other institutions, using our expertise in these areas to advance vision research.


Major funding for research projects comes from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health, the Glaucoma Research Foundation, American Glaucoma Society, Collins Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Legacy Good Samaritan Foundation, and multiple industry partners.