Laura Gadzala, MD

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Patient Rating:

5 Read all reviews

My Specialties:

Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Board-certified, Fellowship Trained

My Areas of Focus:

All areas of Oculofacial Plastics, Orbital and Reconstructive Surgery, Botox, Botox Injections for Migraine & Dystonia, Brow Lifts, Eyelid Surgery, Hemangiomas of the lids, Lacrimal Surgery, Nasolacrimal duct obstruction, Orbit, Orbital Tumors, Pediatric Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery, Periocular and Orbital Hemangiomas, Periocular Tumors, Thyroid Eye Disease


English, Interpreters available for other languages




Legacy Health Partners
Fellowship: West Virginia University
Residency: Casey Eye Institute
Medical School: University of Michigan
Hospitals Served: Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center

Patient Rating

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