Beth Westbrook, PsyD

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My Specialties:

Clinical Psychology, Board-certified

My Areas of Focus:

Abuse Issues (Sex Emot & Phy), Anxiety, Depression, Stress Management


English, Interpreters available for other languages



Where I see patients

Where I see patients

About Me:

I am a clinical psychologist with over 30 years experience in hospitals, clinics and private practice. My training is in psychodynamic psychotherapy, an in-depth approach to emotional well-being and health based knowledge of how our experience and history influence us. I enjoy working with both individuals and couples, conducted groups for over 20 years and I am certified in child and adolescent psychotherapy, group work and crisis intervention. I was appointed by the Governor to the Health Evidence Review Commission, supervise doctoral students in LegacyHealth clinics and specialize in work with Health Professionals.

Year I Started Practice: 1991
Hospitals Served: Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center

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