Making a Difference

The mission of the Women of Good Samaritan is to help provide the highest quality health care to the individuals and families in our rapidly growing community. Annual gifts help fund projects at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, which truly make a difference in the health of our community.

Contact Us

 For more information or ways to get involved, contact Meg Marshall at or 503-413-7104.
Tax I.D. #23-7017276

Help us improve the health of our community

Help us continue to improve the health of our community by joining or renewing your membership today. 


Join or renew your membership 



2022-23 Steering Committee

Jasmyn Madden, Chair
Erin Allcutt
Katie Boyle
Mary Boyle
Helen Curtis
Mary Dolich
Suzanne Eichman
Alison Elia 

Pamela Hummelt
Jenny Kim
Nicole Malozi
Margot Schramm
Ann Usher
Betsy Warren
Margie Wood


Meet our current members


Our impact

Since 1977, the Women of Good Samaritan annual membership gifts have raised more than $2 million to support projects that change lives. Over the years, these caring women have purchased critical hospital equipment, provided nursing student scholarships and assisted with funding meaningful endeavors, such as upgrades in the Family Birth Center, the Stenzel Garden Pavilion and Legacy Good Samaritan's innovative Urgent Care and Emergency Department.


Current projects


A milestone $2 million raised

In 1977, five good friends joined together to support their favorite local hospital, Good Samaritan. They invited friends to join them, resulting in a remarkable team known as Women of Good Samaritan, which has contributed more than $2 million to life-changing enhancements at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center.