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Legacy Health condemns racism in every form

Legacy Health condemns racism in every form. As healthcare professionals devoted to helping people heal, the murder of George Floyd, the pain and grief of his family and community, and the anguish of our fellow citizens and many of our employees strikes at our core. There is no question, the violence and injustice against black people in this country must stop.

No one should live in fear for their safety. We have made safety our undisputed priority so that when people are giving or receiving care, they can do so without fear. Safety includes physical, psychological, and professional safety. While it means creating safe facilities, safety transcends our walls and extends to the farthest reaches of our communities. Our Legacy of safety means equity, justice, and freedom for all.

We commit to this work. We will continue to partner with other organizations to eliminate health disparities. We will prioritize funding to address the social determinants of health. We will work with our neighbors to help heal past wounds. It is time for us to stop, listen, and do more.

We continue to strive to do the right thing. Let us continue to listen. To learn. To be clear and unwavering in our condemnation of racism.

Let us stand in solidarity together. And above all, let us love and support one another as we create a better future.