Finding a new back to school routine
August 31, 2020
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Although school this year looks different for families across the country, it’s important to still set expectations and create routine to help kids succeed. Below are a few basic suggestions that will help establish healthy structure for your child as they embark on online school again this fall.
Sleep schedule:Talk to your kids about getting into regular bedtimes and establish healthy sleep habits. This is a great way to get your child ready for the school year. Check out these bedtime tips.
Learning expectations:Make sure you are set-up digitally to facilitate remote learning. Try to familiarize them with the programs they’ll be using daily ahead of time and talk to them about the daily schedule to prepare them on what to expect when school begins.
Help them create a learning space: Create a desk space that is all their own, that they will use daily to do their online learning. Keep this area away from distractionsto help keep them focused during online meetings or classwork. Its recommended that kids avoid doing work from their bed or in high-traffic areas throughout the house to avoid distractions.
Communicate with others: Encourage your kids to keep communication going with others from their class, or their teacher, so that if they get stuck or need help – they don’t always rely on you and have a well-rounded network to lean on.
Make time for exercise: Find ways to get your kids outside or active throughout the day. Carve out time to go for a bike ride, run, or do exercises throughout the day. Here are some ideas for games and activities for your kids outdoors.
Check in:Make sure you are checking-in with your child, learning about what their classes are like, who they’re talking to, and what they’re thinking and feeling. This can help them reflect on their day and help you gauge if they’re getting what they need.
All in all, children will adjust to this change differently. If your child is struggling to stay focused, is feeling anxious, or finds online learning difficult; reach out to your child’s teacher or school district to find resources and make changes to help them be successful. If anxiety or stress is overwhelming your child, reach out to your child’s pediatrician to discuss, find a provider here.