Happy 1st birthday

Read on for tips on keeping your child safe, happy and healthy!

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Father and daughter laughing

baby reaching for pan on stove

Emergency prevention

We provide resources to keep your family safe and sound at home and at play. Here you can learn more about:

  • Crying babies and shaken baby prevention
  • Car seat safety
  • Burn prevention
  • Poison prevention


Learn how to prevent emergencies

Off to a healthy start with immunizations

Immunizations are a proven way to protect yourself and your family against many dieases. Age-appropriate immunization starts at birth and continues through adulthood, with special emphasis through age two. Ask your child's care team about the best immunizations for your child.


Toddler getting vaccinated

Toddler climbing toward window

Safety tips & tools

Our award-winning programs provide tools like checklists and tip sheets to keep your family safe and sound at home and at play:

  • Babysitter checklist
  • Emergency consent form
  • Home safety checklist
  • Safe sleep for infants and crib safety standards
  • Window safety checklist


Stay safe with these checklist

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