Mammograms save lives

Breast screening detects cancer before it's too late

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Early detection

Mammography is the best way to find breast cancer early, before it can be felt, and before it spreads.

We recommend annual screening mammograms for all women starting at age 40.


  • Because one in eight women gets breast cancer.
  • Nearly all survive if it's caught early.
  • Regular mammogram screening is the best way to detect breast cancer.

breast cancer early detection and stats infographic

Legacy doctor looking at 3-D mammogram

Get a 3-D mammogram

A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) suggested that 3-D mammography:

  • Finds 41% more invasive breast cancers.
  • Finds 29% more breast cancers of all types.
  • Results in 15% fewer false alarms.

Legacy Health offers 3-D mammograms to all patients. Learn more about 3-D mammography.

Know the facts

Many women have questions about radiation and the safety of mammograms. Dr. Kari Thomas, a radiologist with the Legacy Cancer Institute, shares the facts:

  • The radiation dose from a single mammogram is small. It's actually less than you naturally absorb in a two-month period walking around in daily life.
  • There is no evidence that mammograms cause cancer. 
  • Annual screening mammography decreases breast cancer mortality by at least 30%.

The facts are clear: Mammograms save lives. 

Legacy Health has nine convenient mammography locations throughout Portland, Vancouver, and the Willamette Valley.

Call 503-414-5666 for an appointment today.

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